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DBA's  Annual Activities

July 18-31 - Deaf Historic Route 66 Motorcycle Run - Chicago to Los Angeles
For information: Chair Paul Stefurak

August 3-9 - 69th Annual Sturgis Rally
CSD will host picnic day for deaf bikers at Rapid City, South Dakota
on August 5, 2009 (Wednesday) For information: Brenda French

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NCDB's  Official Monthly Activities - 2009

Road Captain
 January 24 5th Annual NCDB Assembly West Valley Mall in Tracy Bobby Skedsmo
 February Open
 March Open
 April 1-5 Arizona Bike Run & DeafNation Expo
Scottsdale Bill Bispo - Fred Davis - Ed Sugg
 April 24-26 Laughlin River Run - CANCELLED
Laughlin CANCELLED - Ed Sugg
 May 2 NorCal Picnic Micke Grove in Lodi Bethany Razo
 June 20-21 Sierra Run - CANCELLED
Ghost Town in Bodie CANCELLED - Michael Rojas
 July 10-12 Independence Day Rally Hollister Steve Longo
 July 18-31 Deaf Historic Route 66 Motorcycle Run See DBA Event above Paul Stefurak
 August 14-16 Nor Cal and So Cal Deaf Bikers Rendezvous
Yosemite National Park - Bishop Steve Longo / Paul Stefurak
 Sept 23-27 Street Vibrations Run Reno Brent Jolley
 October 10 Santa Cruz Mountain Run Hiway 35 & Alice's Restaurant Mike Brinker
 October 17 DeafNation Expo & Breakfast at Katy's Korner San Ramon ?
 October 22-25 CSD Celebrating 150 years of Excellence CSDF ?
Year 2009 Major Motorcycle Rally List Anywhere -


NCDB's  Official Monthly Activities - 2010

Road Captain
 January 23 6th Annual NCDB Assembly West Valley Mall in Tracy Bobby Skedsmo


Last updated: January 27, 2009

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