Ancestors of Bobby Wheeler Skedsmo


1. Francine Marie Lauer

Francine attended the California  School for the Deaf in Berkeley for two years and then transferred to the California School for the Deaf in Riverside until she graduated.  She graduated from Gallaudet University in 1968 and became a teacher at the Montana School for the Deaf, Michigan School for the Deaf, and Selaco-Downey High School in California.  After California, she became a Rights Representative for the Division on Deafness within the Department of Labor in Michigan.  While working there, she was an advocate for a statewide relay service and later was offered a job as the manager of the Michigan Relay Center by Michigan Bell/Ameritech.  She met Bobby at one of the Deaf gatherings and they reminisced the good old days of Berkeley and Riverside.  They corresponded and love blossomed.  She gave up her job in Michigan and moved to California and became a teacher at the Fremont School for the Deaf.  They married in 1998. Now that she is a retiree, she sits on the board of the California Relay Service Advisory Council, sub teaching and do a lot of traveling.