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Calendar of Events

for Recreational Bikers

Alameda Creek Trail
from Union City BART Station to Coyote Hills Regional Park
Swimming and BBQ Party

It is 22 miles of round-trip easy bike ride.  It is about 1 1/2 hours for round trip!  The California Deaf Wheelers' very first bike ride in 1996 took place on this trail when Bob Morrison, Bobby Skedsmo and Jack Lamberton started their passion for cycling on Sundays at eight in the morning.  This ride eventually led to formation of new deaf cycling club.

Time:  Meet at 9:30 am. Start at 10:00 am.

Location:  Meet at the Union City BART Station.  Free parking!  If space is not available, you may park on the street somewhere, but please observe the law for parking your vehicle.

Type of Bike:  Any

Ride Classification:  Leisurely to Touring (up to 13 mph)

Climb Rate:  Gentle, relatively flat, total ascent is approximately 300 feet (maximum elevation 60 feet).  The Alameda Creek Regional Trail follows the banks of Alameda Creek in southern Alameda County from the mouth of Niles Canyon in Fremont westward to San Francisco Bay - a distance of about 12 miles.

Ride Leader:  Chrissy Moreno;  Please confirm by email by Friday, June 5th.  No one left behind.  Extreme temperatures or fog conditions may modify the route at the leader's discretion.  Rain cancels.

What to bring:  Spare tubes, patch kit, tire irons, pump/CO2 inflators, multi-tool, water bottle, identification/money/medical card and phone.

Safety:  Wearing helmet is mandatory.

What to see:  Alameda Creek Regional Trail follows the banks of Alameda Creek in southern Alameda County from the mouth of Niles Canyon (in the Niles District of Fremont) westward to San Francisco Bay - a distance of 10.0 miles. It is Alameda County's largest, and is home to a host of birds and other wildlife. Long ago its rushing waters provided a valuable resource for the Ohlone Indians who first settled in camps and villages along its banks. After a stop for rest and lunch at Niles, ride way back to the origin destination. That will sum up to the total of 20.01 miles of ride.

After the Ride Events:  We will have swimming and B.B.Q. parties at Denis & Chrissy's cozy apartment, Avalon Union City, 24 Union Square, Union City.  Bring your own swim outfits, towels, favorite homemade covered-dishes and own meats such as hot dogs, chicken, hamburgers, steak and etc. to B.B.Q. Party. Bring your own cooler and drinks such as water, soda or booze to the party.

Importance:  R.S.V.P. to Chrissy Moreno at her texting number, (510) 402-8155 about your favorite homemade covered-dishes to bring to BBQ party by Friday evening on June 5th. Chrissy is our BBQ chairperson at her cozy apartment.

Compiled by Bobby Skedsmo - Last updated: May 24, 2015